Spartanburg Regional Foundation gives nearly $600,000 toward health initiatives
The Spartanburg Regional Foundation’s grant program has allocated nearly $600,000 toward health initiatives and programs throughout the Upstate this year.
On Tuesday, Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System leaders and community partners gathered for a grantee celebration to honor those who were selected. Fifteen community grants were awarded along with 19 hospital grants, totaling $587,000 directed toward improving patient care and helping those in need.
“We deeply value the importance of investing in not just our healthcare divisions and initiatives, but the community in which we want our patients to thrive,” said Polly Edwards-Padgett, senior director of strategic philanthropy for the Foundation.
Easels were set up throughout the gathering at the University of South Carolina Upstate to highlight each grant recipient and provide a visual representation of how needs will be met.
“The generosity and compassion of our donors are the reasons the initiatives and projects that you learn about tonight in the gallery of grantees are feasible. And on behalf of the Foundation, we cannot say thank you enough for your giving,” Edwards-Padgett said during the celebration.
The largest Spartanburg Regional grant was $70,000 to Community Health to implement the “Unite Us” software within the system. This software will work as a referral network between nonprofits and medical facilities to better serve those in need.
A $50,000 hospital grant will go toward nursing clinical education, specifically to make upgrades in the surgical training room at Spartanburg Medical Center.
Funding for Spartanburg Community Dental Center will pay for new equipment and help the organization expand to continue to serve many Spartanburg Regional patients.
An $8,500 grant to The Period Project will provide funding for menstrual products for those with limited access in Spartanburg, Cherokee and Union counties.
A $7,500 grant for the BattleBetty Foundation will help the organization continue to provide shelter and healthcare needs for women who are military veterans.
Lib Fleming, Spartanburg Regional Foundation grants and allocations committee chair, said making decisions on where funding will be allocated is difficult because of the incredible work being done throughout the community.
“We were so impressed with everyone,” she said. “We had to do the hard work to make very tough decisions for very worthy candidates, and we are really pleased with what we were able to do.”
Below is a list of hospital and community grant recipients:
- Cherokee Medical Center
The grant will fund an upgrade to the outdoor courtyard at Cherokee Medical Center used by staff, patients and visitors.
- Cherokee Medical Center Project SEARCH
This grant will fund educational supplies and learning programs for Project SEARCH interns.
- Community Health
These funds will help implement an electronic referral platform connecting Spartanburg Regional to community-based organizations to improve coordination and continuity of care for patients.
- Corporate Education – Student Programs
This grant will fund educational supplies and video production highlighting careers in health care for middle school and high school students.
- Ellen Sagar Nursing Center
The grant will fund the creation of a secure outdoor area that cognitively impaired residents can access safely.
- Spartanburg Medical Center Nursing Clinical Education
This grant will provide funding for updates to the current surgical training room at Spartanburg Medical Center.
- Pelham Medical Center Community Outreach
This grant will provide digital literacy workshops to bridge the gap in self-sufficient use of mobile technology for patients.
- Pelham Medical Center Education Department
This grant will assist in the purchase of a high-fidelity simulation manikin for associate education and competency completion.
- Regional HealthPlus
This grant will allot funds to create a Regional HealthPlus fund for supporting patients in need.
- Spartanburg Medical Center - Mary Black Campus Rehabilitation Services
These funds will help purchase Alternative Augmentative Communication apps and iPads for patient communication therapy.
- Spartanburg Medical Center Rehabilitation Services
This grant will purchase a training manikin for safe patient handling and mobility to prevent musculoskeletal injuries.
- Spartanburg Medical Center
These funds will help purchase SAFE Boxes that give patients options for safe mental stimulation and engagement in activities.
- Spartanburg Regional Ambulance Services
These funds will help create a training site that would be used to provide continuing education and training for paramedics and EMTs.
- Spartanburg Regional Emergency Management
This grant will purchase technology to prevent, prepare for and monitor any emergency incident that may occur on all campuses.
- Spartanburg Regional Family Medicine Residency Program
This grant will fund the implementation of eating disorder awareness and prevention education for providers through videos and materials.
- Spartanburg Regional Security
This grant will provide ballistic vests to all Spartanburg Regional security officers as well as a course on survival tactics for officer and patient safety.
- Spartanburg Regional Volunteer Services
This grant will be used to purchase a volunteer cheer cart to provide activities and comfort items to improve inpatient and visitor experiences.
- Spartanburg Regional Trauma/Acute Care Surgery Service
These funds will assist patients being discharged from the Trauma/Acute Care unit, including medical equipment and medications.
- Union Medical Center Pulmonary Rehab
These funds will purchase two recumbent bikes and two treadmills for patients to use in pulmonary rehab.
- Academic Technology and Wellness Academy
These funds will support the “Wellness Starts Here" program to promote wellness among children and their families in Cherokee County.
- Angels Charge Ministry
These funds will provide counseling services as well as basic health care for women in crisis.
- BattleBetty Foundation
These funds will provide one-on-one case management for women veterans.
- C4 Services, Inc.
This grant will provide crisis care and housing for residents in Union County.
- Children's Cancer Partners of the Carolinas
These funds will help cover costs of travel, food and lodging for families whose children are undergoing treatment for cancer.
- FAVOR Upstate
These funds will support comprehensive, research-based services to combat substance abuse disorders among residents of Spartanburg, Cherokee and Union counties.
- Healthy Smiles of Spartanburg
These funds support expanded dental care for children in Spartanburg and Cherokee counties.
- Lions Vision Services
This grant will expand access to eye care, saving or restoring sight for vulnerable populations in the Upstate.
- Project R.E.S.T
This grant will be used to assist clients with immediate needs such as prescription refills, transportation costs, and rent and utility payments.
- Servants for Sight
This grant will support screening events in Spartanburg at AccessHealth and St. Luke’s Free Medical Clinic for connection to vision care, including glasses and eye surgery.
- Spartanburg Community Dental Center
This grant will be used to purchase additional equipment necessary to expand dental services to the most vulnerable in Spartanburg.
- St. Luke's Free Medical Clinic
This grant will expand efforts in managing chronic conditions such as hypertension and diabetes for all patients.
- The Family Effect
This grant will help to ensure continued access to medically supervised, residential detox services for Spartanburg, Union and Cherokee county residents at The Phoenix Center.
- The Period Project
This grant will provide menstrual products for those with limited access in Spartanburg, Cherokee and Union counties.
- Upstate Family Resource Center
This grant will pilot a program to provide linguistically appropriate counseling services to the Latino population in Spartanburg.