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Occupational medicine expertise is key to workplace safety, corporate efficiency
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Occupational medicine expertise is key to workplace safety, corporate efficiency

By Staff reports on March 14, 2024

As the economic landscape across the Upstate becomes increasingly competitive, understanding the importance of occupational medicine is critical for corporate success.

Every employee’s health is top of mind as manufacturers and other businesses work to comply with safety standards and keep their associates on the job site and fit for duty.

Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System’s WorkHealthySC team wants to see corporations flourish by keeping workplace environments safe for employees and ensuring that those being hired are physically and medically capable of safely performing their jobs.

This proactive approach improves corporations’ reputations as safety-minded employers, creates efficiencies in the workplace and results in fewer workers’ compensation claims.

In addition to seeing all types of workers’ compensation injuries, WorkHealthySC Medical Director Dr. Sajid Pathan conducts return-to-work exams and fit-for-duty evaluations, as well as preemployment physicals throughout the week.

He also conducts site visits and workplace assessments to spot potential hazards and helps businesses put the safety of their staff first.

“From an occupational medicine standpoint, we work with employers and ask things like, ‘Why have you done it this way,’ ‘Have you thought about this,’ ‘This looks like a potential work hazard,’ and so on, and we talk about the various cases we’ve seen,” Dr. Pathan said.

Dr. Pathan, who is residency trained and board certified in occupational medicine, and his Corporate Health team will review company policies and procedures, making recommendations and providing feedback whenever changes are made to a work procedure.

Fit-for-duty evaluations and pre-employment physicals help companies be reassured their associates can fulfill the functions of their job descriptions.

“I’m constantly asking, ‘Can this individual or employee safely do their job,’ and ‘How can I help them safely return back to work,’” Dr. Pathan said.

These occupational medicine components also help companies remain efficient, productive and in good standing with Occupational Safety and Health Administration.

“What we’re doing is providing extra layers of protections for the employee as well as the employer,” Dr. Pathan said. “At the end of the day, we want to make sure that whoever is being hired by a company can safely and effectively do their job.”

For an on-site visit or to schedule a consultation with WorkHealthySC, contact Cliff Floyd, director of business development, at 864-590-1384.