Cutting edge prostate cancer treatment
If you are diagnosed with prostate cancer, Gibbs Cancer Center & Research Institute at Pelham can help you through treatment comfortably and conveniently with cutting edge technology.
Prostate cancer is second only to skin cancer as the most common cancer diagnosis in men. With CyberKnife at Gibbs Cancer Center & Research Institute at Pelham, located in Greer, radiation therapy for prostate cancer is completed in just five sessions. Compare that number with the 40 to 45 sessions using conventional radiation therapy.
CyberKnife's robotic tracking technology enables continuous coordination with tumor movement during treatment. This is especially important if when receiving treatment for prostate cancer. CyberKnife candidates include most low-risk and favorable intermediate-risk prostate cancer patients. Prostate size is not an issue.
Treatment at Gibbs Cancer Center & Research Institute at Pelham gives you access to the latest advancement in CyberKnife technology with the recent introduction of a second generation multi-leaf colmnater. A state-of-the-art upgrade that, when combined with the CyberKnife's advanced robotic targeting, has cut prostate cancer treatment times in half, while reducing radiation to other vital organs.
Along with the targeted, advanced radiation therapy, Gibbs tries to curb radiation side-effects by using SpaceOAR. Gibbs is one of the first in the U.S. to use SpaceOAR®, the first FDA-approved method for placing a “spacer” that moves the prostate away from the rectum. This allows delivery of radiation to the prostate while providing additional protection of the rectal area. The CyberKnife/SpaceOAR combination at Gibbs results in fewer visits, shorter treatment times and fewer side effects.
Effectiveness of CyberKnife therapy for prostate cancer has proven to be similar to other treatment outcomes at five years.
What to Expect
Two weeks prior to treatment, you will be scheduled for a short, minimally invasive outpatient procedure for placement of fiducial markers and SpaceOAR. Fiducial markers are three to five tiny gold seeds that are inserted into the prostate. The fiducial markers guide the CyberKnife system to track the tumor during treatment.
SpaceOAR consists of a water-based hydrogel that is injected through a small needle into the body as a liquid; it quickly solidifies into a soft gel that expands the space between the prostate and rectum. The hydrogel spacer maintains the separation until radiotherapy is complete. It then liquefies and is cleared from the body in your urine. Most patients report little or no discomfort.
One week before treatment, you will have a treatment planning session and MRI. Your customized CyberKnife treatment plan enables radiation to be contoured to the prostate's exact shape.
You will lay on the treatment table as the CyberKnife's computer-controlled robotic arm moves around quietly, delivering radiation directly to the tumor. Treatment is painless, does not require sedation and is completed in four to five sessions. You are able to communicate with and be seen by the technologists throughout treatment.
For most, CyberKnife treatment is completely pain free. You may dress comfortably in normal clothes and listen to music during treatment and are welcome to bring a friend or family member to provide support before and after treatment.
After treatment is complete, you can likely return to normal activities immediately. Side effects are few, if any. Our doctors and staff will discuss all possible side effects prior to treatment. Your doctor may also prescribe medication to control side effects, should they occur.
Because the CyberKnife was designed to preserve healthy tissue and critical anatomy, it can reduce side effects that impact quality of life, including sexual, urinary and bowel function. Fewer treatment sessions result in minimal interruption to work, family and hobbies.
For more information about CyberKnife, please consult with your doctor or call 1-855-DNA-GIBBS.